a tale of planet-friendly living and home-made toothpowders with richa malik

a tale of planet-friendly living and home-made toothpowders with richa malik

richa Malik, founder of the happy turtle shares what individuals can do to reduce our carbon footprint
don't let your waste go to waste and start home composting! Reading a tale of planet-friendly living and home-made toothpowders with richa malik 1 minute Next make sustainable choices for good hair days and good air days!


The Green Shoots team continues its conversation on the Indian plastic story.

With our guest Richa Malik, the founder of TheHappyTurtle.in  , we learn about a new festival - Plastic Free July. We follow it up with the business models in the space, the meaning of sustainable growth, and know a little about the teams and organizations that are doing meaningful work in the sector.

We close this episode with what role participants can play in the value chain (including you and me) to reduce the environmental impact of consumption.

Richa has made it her life's mission to make people & organizations aware of the plastic menace and is generous enough to distill her years of experience within 2 podcast episodes.  Here is her LinkedIn profile to know more about her linkedin.com/in/richa-malik

The profiles of the Green Shoots team members in this interview are mentioned below:

Please keep writing to us at GreenShoots.Pehlay@gmail.com

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