Begin your sustainable journey this Gudi Padwa!

Begin your sustainable journey this Gudi Padwa!

beginning of the sustainable journey

Begin your sustainable journey this Gudi Padwa!

Gudi padwa brings along the beautiful colors of spring and with this begins the traditional new year. It denotes new beginnings and fresh starts. This festival is celebrated in and around Maharashtra, Goa & Daman. However, the vibes of new beginnings are all over India with the onset of spring. 


Gudi means a flag and padwa means first day of the phase of the moon. On this auspicious day, people place the gudi (flag) outside of their homes to signify the victory of good over evil. This ritual is done in order to ward off the evil and negative energy. 


Considering the current scenario, the biggest gudi that we need to raise is ‘sustainability’, to save the planet from tons and tons of waste, pollution, and climate crises. Sustainable and eco-friendly way of living is the only option that is going to ward off the issues of climate crises and increasing pollution. 


Prima facie, the issues seem too huge and something that the government needs to look after. However, what if we tell you that it’s you who can initiate the change?

beginning of the sustainable journey!

The small and simple steps taken by you on an individual level will inspire others around you. If a lot of people using a single plastic straw can cause harm to the planet, then imagine what would happen if everyone avoided just a single plastic straw a day. The plastic straw is just an example. Such individual actions taken collectively have brought the planet to this condition. If we individually take a reverse action, the collective change is bound to happen. 


Now, you might think, 


“Why should I do it? I am living in a good home, a safe space with clean water and required resources. There’s not much of a problem in my life.” 


Well, it hasn’t reached your doorstep yet. Would you really want to wait till it reaches your doorstep and maybe your future generations have to go through them? Isn’t it a smart choice to be proactive and act before it ruins every life on this planet? We understand it’s hard to suddenly shift the way of living, but hey, we have some simple things you can start with. 

simple things to begin with!

  • turn off the tap 

Less than 3% of the world’s water resources are fresh water which is growing increasingly scarce. With the rising demand for water due to population growth, it becomes necessary to use the remaining resources wisely. 


A simple step that can help in saving tons of water daily is to turn off the tap when unnecessary. A few instances where you can turn off the tap are while brushing your teeth, washing your hands thoroughly, washing dishes, and using the shower. Begin the first day of your new year by turning off the tap whenever it’s not needed. 

  • turn off switches when you leave

Whether it’s your office, home, or any other public place, electricity is used. Don’t be careless about electricity just because you don’t have to pay the bill. It can cost you much more than money. Non-renewable resources are depleting quickly, saving electricity is the only thing we can do for future generations. 


The traditional methods used for power generation release gases like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen. Carbon dioxide falls on the list of greenhouse gases causing higher temperatures, heat waves, higher sea levels, smog, and acid rain in the long term. 


Reducing the waste of electricity will reduce the creation of such gases which will further cause the least harm to the environment. So, from tomorrow onwards switch off the fan, lights, AC, and television before you leave the room. Remove the plugs when not in use and keep the charges off when unplugged. 

  • buy only what you need


Try to shop based on what you need. Whether it’s food, clothing, groceries, accessories, interior for your home, or any other option, shop wisely. The unnecessary shopping will end up being stored in one corner of your home without any utility or it will end up in the bin. Being a minimalist will minimize your spending and also keep your home spacious and clean. 

  • think before you use the bin


Every time you throw something in your bin, ask yourself this, 


“Is there anything I could do to reduce this item from the bin?”


Once you get into the habit of asking this, you will start finding answers on how to live a sustainable life. If you are not clear about what to do with the plastics you are throwing in the bin or organic waste gathering there, our collection of blogs will help you with proper guidance. Keep asking yourself till you end up reducing the waste to its minimum level. 

  • avoid plastic to the extent possible

Even though there are recyclable options, try to avoid plastics to the extent possible. When mixed with all other kinds of material it becomes hard to recycle them and as a result, microplastics are formed due to all the chaos in the recycling process. Also, having plastics in your kitchen can be extremely harmful to your health. It has recently been found that microplastics were detected in human blood. 


With such severe outcomes, what else can be a better new year's resolution than to embark the journey of sustainability? Gudi Padwa begins with rituals and ends with prashad and some delicious delicacies. It includes Puran Poli, Coconut Ladoo, Kaju Modak, Kesari Bhat, Basundi and many other dishes. 


Do you know what the prashad is going to be when you live a sustainable life? 


  • pollution free & clean air, water and soil, 

  • a balanced climate,

  • co-existence of all living beings in proper harmony, and

  • a happy & healthy planet!


It is time we come together and bring back the sweetness of life on this planet by hoisting the flag of sustainability in our lives. This is the perfect time to begin your new year with some new thoughts on how we can live harmoniously with the planet. Join similar individuals on this journey of going zero-waste and living sustainably through our wonderful community, awenest. 


Resource - 


Water Statistics


Microplastics in human blood

Author - brinda shah is a freelance content writer. she is a ca turned into a writer who loves to read, write & meditate. you can connect with her on linkedin and on instagram

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