Is banning single-use plastic enough for the planet?

Is banning single-use plastic enough for the planet?

How to save our planet from plastic

Is banning single-use plastic enough for the planet? 


From 1st July 2022, India banned single-use plastic items including earbuds, straws, cutlery, sticks for candies, balloons and other similar products. 


But the question remains, 


Is the ban improving the situation at all? 


The ban on single-use plastic has shifted the perception of many people. Most vendors have opted for better and more sustainable alternatives. People are motivated to carry their cloth bags and reusable cutlery. However, along with the positive impact, there are also many drawbacks. 


The items banned are still circulated and used in some places in India. However, vendors are not the only people to be blamed for it. Certain sellers and vendors are unaware of what kind of plastic to use and what to avoid. Also, a lot of them are finding it hard to find an alternative, that is economically affordable for the business. The items covered in the ban are mostly used by vendors who need hand-holding in the transition.  


Lack of knowledge, an affordable alternative and proper support from the government are the reasons for hindrance in implementation. People are finding it hard to avoid single plastic due to these reasons. With time, we can expect that the rules will be followed widely. 


Even if the single-use plastic ban is fully implemented, is it enough? 


Let’s assume for a moment that the single-use plastic ban is implemented on a pan-India basis. Plastic under a specific micron is banned, but people can still use plastic bags for packaging above that number. The idea of reusability is brought to attention when higher-micron plastic materials are allowed. However, the packaging material of groceries is hardly reused and always ends up in the bin. 


Also, the execution of recycling plastic with higher microns will only be possible when waste segregation is in line. The biggest challenge that India faces is waste segregation and proper recycling facilities. More focus on reducing plastic usage and improving waste segregation along with recycling facilities simultaneously will bring the expected improvement. 


Having said this, the single-use plastic ban was a small step towards reducing plastic waste. Hoping that there are many more such steps that help in reducing plastic to the extent possible from the planet. 

It’s not enough to wait for a further ban, we need to act!


It seems easy to wait for the ban and free ourselves from the responsibility. However, at awenest, we believe that being accountable is the only option left. Instead of waiting for the ban and the government to save the planet, we need to act on it. 


Awenest has taken the first step by providing you with a platform that sells plastic-free products and packaging. You do not have to wander to initiate the change. Plastic has been one of the main reasons for climate change, pollution and harm caused to the habitat and marine life.


The chaos of plastic has reached so far that human blood has been diagnosed with the presence of microplastics. If no action is taken and seriousness is shown towards the cause, those days are not far when diseases caused by plastic in the human body will be a common phenomenon.   


To conclude, banning single-use plastic is an appreciable start towards saving the planet. However, it will need many more follow-ups and additional thoughtful actions. To kick-start your sustainable journey and be accountable for your own waste, explore awenest. 


brinda shah is a freelance content writer. she is a ca turned into a writer who loves to read, write & meditate. you can connect with her on linkedin and on instagram

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