The need for sustainable skincare is real! All you need to know about organic coffee and it's farming

The need for sustainable skincare is real! All you need to know about organic coffee and it's farming

Organic Coffee and Non-organic coffee…what to choose?
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Organic Coffee and Non-organic coffee…what to choose?    


Some people love it black while some people enjoy it with milk. In different forms, this beverage is loved by all. 


Yes, we are talking about Coffee! 


It is a source of motivation for many. Whether it's a lazy morning or a tiring afternoon, coffee is an energizer for many of us. However, did you know that the coffee you have been drinking contains many hidden ingredients? 


Yes! It includes pesticides, chemicals and many other harmful toxins. Unless you are consuming organic coffee, you might be consuming chemicals along with your favourite drink. 


Let us understand what differentiates organic and conventionally grown coffee. After understanding in detail, it's up to you what to choose. Let us begin our exploration of the coffee farming process - 


organic coffee farming


In place of chemical fertilizer, organic coffee farming uses coffee pulp or cattle manure to add nutrients to the fields. Organic farming has some chemical-free ways of dealing with weeds, known as unwanted plants. They either burn off the weeds with a natural gas flame weeder, bring animals to eat weeds, or remove the weeds manually with the help of labour. 


Every time you buy an organic coffee, you choose a cup of freshness free from pesticides or other chemicals. Moreover, coffee is a rich source of anti-oxidants that eliminates the damage caused by free radicals. 


conventional coffee farming


The conventional farmer will begin the farming process with fumigation of the soil to prevent pesticides. The spraying of chemicals takes place during this process. Further, fertilizers are used to enhance the growth of the plant. Insecticides become a part of the process as they sow the seeds. After the seeds sprout, weedicide is sprayed on them.


Every step has some chemical ingestion in conventional farming. It clearly shows that the output received from conventional farming will have chemicals and toxins. Consumption of such coffee can lead to dangerous diseases including cancer, adverse impact on reproduction, immune system and nervous system. 


beyond your health, it helps the planet too


Organically grown coffee not only benefits your health but also maintains soil fertility in the long term. Excessive use of chemicals and fertilizers erodes the soil and deteriorates its quality. However, natural manure and organic fertilizer not only enhance the growth of plants but also improves soil quality. 


Greenhouse gas emissions are comparatively less in organically grown coffee. The production of coffee is over 9.5 billion kg globally. It is further expected to triple by 2050. Based on in-house research, it is concluded that an average carbon footprint for 1 kg of coffee is 0.06 kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of coffee in organic farming compared to 0.49 CO2/kg in the conventional farming method. 


This huge gap is a sign that a shift towards organic coffee farming can be beneficial for the planet and humans. However, the change will begin with what we choose to consume. The coffee that is in demand will be grown in large quantities. So, as a consumer, it is your responsibility to choose organic over conventionally grown coffee. 


organic coffee brands at awenest


To provide authentic organic coffee, we have joined hands with one of the best coffee brands, Two Brothers Organic Farm (TBOF). They closely work with the adivasis in the dense forests of Andhra Pradesh to get you the best fresh organic coffee beans. This exceptional organic coffee is custom roasted and bagged to give you a rich and original taste of brewed coffee beans. We present to you the following varieties to add to your morning cup of freshness -  



These are free from flavours, additives, sugar, and organically grown.


There are plenty of benefits to growing coffee organically and consuming the same. It promotes soil health and sustainability in the long term. Individuals concerned about their health and the planet should give it a try. 

 Author-brinda shah is a freelance content writer. she is a ca turned into a writer who loves to read, write & meditate. you can connect with her on linkedin  and on instagram 

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