10 easy changes

10 easy changes

10 easy changes you can make to start a zero-waste journey

10 easy changes you can make to start a zero-waste journey


“ A waste is not a waste unless we waste it.”


Are you aware of the fact that every day, approximately 1.15 lakh metric tonnes per day of municipal solid waste are generated in India? This equates to approximately 42.0 million tonnes per year. In major Indian cities, per capita waste generation runs the gamut from 0.2 Kg to 0.6 Kg. And with this high quantum of waste generated, who doesn't want to chase a zero-waste lifestyle and adapt to it daily? Gleefully, zero waste has become so sought after – probably because it is so rewarding and thrilling. But the question that always hits up our mind is - HOW? And to erase all your "how", we are up with 10 easy changes you can make to start a zero-waste journey. So let’s crush this!


let us have a look at some easy ways to live a zero-waste lifestyle -


  1. go for bamboo toothbrushes -

Starting with your first-morning routine! Many people are so accustomed to purchasing plastic toothbrushes that they are unaware they are contributing to more waste at home. It's time to ditch the plastic toothbrushes and replace them with bamboo toothbrushes for a more environmentally friendly home. These eco-friendly toothbrushes are made from plants and are non-toxic to the environment.


  1. reduce the clutter -

Time to declutter your home! Begin your journey toward a zero-waste home by decluttering your home, as this will allow you to determine which waste is the most prevalent. When you've gathered all of your clutter, resist the urge to throw it away right away. Instead, repurpose them by donating them to charities, holding a garage or yard sale, or gifting them to family and friends.


  1. relinquish the tissues -

Many of us are still unaware that toilet paper and tissues are not recyclable, and that they are already harmful to the environment once they are used. You can use handkerchiefs and towels as a more environmentally friendly alternative. After a thorough wash, you can quickly reuse them again and again.


  1. when going grocery shopping, bring tote bags -

Rather than using plastic bags to pack your groceries after shopping, use tote bags to transport your groceries. You can avoid bringing more plastic bags into your home this way. Furthermore, when shopping, it is preferable to buy in bulk so that you can use stackable boxes rather than plastic bags.

  1. switch to solid shampoos and soaps -

Because they are more convenient to use, many homeowners prefer to use bottled liquid soaps and shampoos. Unfortunately, they are also one of the leading waste producers. When the bottles run out, you'll have to repurchase new ones, eventually filling your house with empty shampoo and soap bottles. It's best to convert them to solid shampoos and soaps, also known as shampoo bars and bar soaps, for a zero-waste home. They are less wasteful and last longer than liquids.


  1. use glass jars -

Instead of using plastic containers, start using glass jars for food storage and transportation. It will assist you in reducing your use of plastic and achieving a zero-waste kitchen. Glass jars can also be reused for other purposes, such as preserving food or serving as flower pots.


  1. opt for food with minimum or zero packaging -

The majority of foods sold in malls and convenience stores are packaged in plastic. As you transition to a zero-waste lifestyle, you must be more conscious of your shopping habits and prioritize purchasing foods with minimal or no packaging.


  1. avoid takeout - 

Ordering and taking out food can be a difficult habit to break, especially since it is more convenient and can save you a lot of time cooking. Unfortunately, ordering food can result in additional waste because you bring in plastic food bags, utensils, and disposable cups. To reduce waste, it is best to cook your meals. If you must order food, choose an eco-friendly restaurant that uses sustainable materials in the storage and packing of their foods.


  1. change to reusable water tumbler -

Plastic water bottles may be more convenient because they can be purchased anywhere whenever you need water. Unfortunately, plastic water bottles are one of the most significant contributors to global waste. Make sure that each family member has their reusable water tumbler to help reduce the number of plastic water bottles in landfills and to eliminate any plastics at home. Instead of buying plastic water bottles all the time, they can quickly refill this with water when needed.


  1. just buy what you require -

Take a look at your shopping list and consider what you would do without if the economy were tight. The kitchen and bathroom generate the majority of waste; take a look and consider what you can do to help the environment.


  • bonus zero waste tip!

Tell others and set a good example!

ready to start a zero-waste journey?

Just a gentle reminder for y’all - The road to zero waste is a long one. It's not about the final destination, but about making a difference along the way itself in the journey. The tips on this list aren't necessarily about eliminating all waste, but they will significantly reduce your impact.

We hope this list of zero waste tips has been helpful to you on your personal zero waste journey, whether you're just getting started or you're walking well on your way.

If you relished this list or found it useful in achieving your zero waste goals, please consider sharing it to help us inspire others. The more of us who make these small changes, the more we'll realize how much they do make a big difference because taking baby steps will one day lead us to a fruitful destination!



prarthana is a postgrad physics student, a fervent physicist who loves to revitalize and tweak articles on sustainability and technology. she can be found at instagram and linkedIn

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