Being Sustainable

Being Sustainable

Is being ‘sustainable’ on your new year's resolution list?

Is being ‘sustainable’ on your new year's resolution list? 


The new year is a time for new resolutions and a chance to transform. 2022 has been a great relief after two hectic years battling COVID. After bidding a gratuitous goodbye to 2022, everybody is joyous to see what 2023 holds for the whole world. Have you made your new year's resolution list yet?


As we patiently welcome and unfold the gifts of 2023, it’s time to reflect upon the personal values that we wish to enhance. There are many aspects on which you may choose to focus. It can be food, physical health, mental health, emotions, or relationships. awenest wants you to add one more aspect to that list - sustainability. 


The last few years have been critical for all of us. We have seen massive losses on this planet in terms of health and habitat. We have been awakened to the harsh reality of our collective behaviour. The Forest fires, the impact of plastic on marine life, microplastics in human blood, increasing waste in landfills and tremendous pollution are some highlights. 


Here is a simple guide to begin your sustainable journey in 2023. Feel free to use this guide to build any habit and master your life. 


How to build a sustainable habit as a new year's resolution?


Writing down your goals is one of the most important things. You can check out some mindfully curated planners, organizers and diaries to jot down your resolutions for the coming year. Beginning with this diary will be your first step towards sustainability. These are made with recycled paper, biodegradable, and some are also plantable. Once you are all set with your diary and pen, follow these steps - 


Select a single task to begin with 


When we talk about sustainable living, there are many aspects for you to focus on. You can choose to work on plastic reduction, waste segregation, mindful consumption or reducing your carbon footprint. Based on your understanding, pick a single habit this new year in 2023. 


For example, you select the habit of using a cloth bag whenever you go shopping. This simple habit not only reduces waste, but also inspires many people around you. Alternatively, you can choose cycling or walk to nearby places instead of using a vehicle. 


All you have to do is find a habit that is easy to start. Once you begin, it is easier to continue. So, whatever you select, note it down in the new year's resolution list. 


Be consistent in whatever you choose to do

Once you have selected the habit, create an environment suitable for its execution. Let us assume you have decided to carry a cloth bag for every purchase. Place the bag in your home near the door or your car so that you don't forget to use it. 


A new habit needs reminders regularly. When you visibly place things, it becomes easier to implement. You can also take help from a friend or a family member who can remind you about the habit. Using sticky notes on your notice board or near the bed is also a good reminder.


Implement consistently with the help of such reminders.


Add on new habits as soon as you master the old ones


Once you gain consistency, the selected habit will become your lifestyle. You will be able to implement the practices without any reminders or clues. Thereafter, you can explore another action and start working on it similarly. It is a continuous process of improvement which will ask for consistency. If you lose inspiration, explore our community. We regularly share many ideas, conversations and simple ways to live sustainably. 


Let us focus on the good and enhance it


We experienced the single-use plastic ban, new green startups, the UN Climate change conference and many mindful actions in 2022. It has been a great year due to these thoughtful efforts made for sustainability. On that note, let us carry forward the same motivation and keep acting on it. 


Wishing you all a Happy and Sustainable 2023


brinda shah is a freelance content writer. she is a ca turned into a writer who loves to read, write & meditate. you can connect with her on linkedin and on instagram

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