3 quick tiffin box/breakfast recipes to start your day with

3 quick tiffin box/breakfast recipes to start your day with

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3 quick tiffin box/breakfast recipes to start your day with


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It improves your energy levels and jumpstarts your metabolism. Along with improving your concentration, it stabilizes your energy. Knowing such favourable benefits about the first meal of our day, how in the world can we be careless about it? 


However, most of us wake up every morning with a question mark about what to have for breakfast. 


Then your confusion about what to have for morning breakfast ends here! Awenest is here with 3 delicious recipes for your source of morning energy. If you have kids waiting for a tiffin box every morning, this blog is for you too. 


Here are three delicious recipes for your morning breakfast - 


Peanut butter & Jam sandwich


A peanut butter-Jam sandwich is the most delicious and healthy breakfast. It will bring a wide smile to everyone’s face at the breakfast table. To make this, you will need two slices of bread. You can use any bread you like, including regular bread, whole wheat or multi-grain. On one slice of bread, apply peanut butter, and on the other slice of bread, apply jam or any jelly of your choice. 


Gently press both slices together to form a sandwich. Enjoy the delicious fusion of peanut butter and jelly. Awenest has a variety of flavours in jams/jellies that you can explore. 


Roti Wrap


Having leftover feels like a burden at the end of the day. However, what if I told you that these leftovers sometimes have the potential of being your morning breakfast the next day? Here is a recipe that can be used as a morning breakfast or to send in your kid's tiffin.


Whenever you have leftover roti or chapati at the end of the day, Roti wrap will be the easiest thing to have for breakfast the next day. Also, along with roti, if you have some leftover sabzi, it’s like a cherry on top. For stuffing, you can use any dry-cooked vegetable sabzi. If you do not have the leftover, you can also cook a simple boiled potato vegetable in oil and jeera seeds with some spices. 


Once the roti and sabzi are ready, choose a sauce. You can select from tomato ketchup, chilli sauce, schezwan sauce, pasta or pizza sauce. Keeping roti as the base, apply sauce and cooked vegetables on it. Gently fold the roti to form a small roll. Cut the roll into small pieces and enjoy it with any beverage. 


To enhance the wraps add some cheese, butter, or topping like oregano, chilli flakes or chat masala. 


Granola varieties


Granola is a mixture of rolled oats, nuts, honey and various sweeteners like brown sugar and puffed rice. They are baked or toasted until they turn golden brown. It is one of the best breakfast and snack food. Filled with proteins and micronutrients like iron, Vitamin D, folate and zinc, it is also an excellent source of Vitamin B. 


Granola is available in various forms on awenest. To begin with, you can have granola laddus and bars for your breakfast. Granola muesli and granola crunch go best with milk, honey and a topping of dry fruits or seeds. A bowl of granola will help you get through the day with ease and lots of energy.


The best part about ordering with awenest is sustainability. 


Plastic-free delivery is our promise, and we stick to it in any circumstance. Value-based buying that does not harm the environment is something that we promote. Every meal you enjoy with the awenest ingredients will be a guilt-free meal.   


Explore sustainable food options with awenest and enrich your breakfast, lunch and dinner with consciously curated mindful ingredients. 


brinda shah is a freelance content writer. she is a ca turned into a writer who loves to read, write & meditate. you can connect with her on linkedin and on instagram

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